


    CTE Logo

     2023 - 2024 Outstanding Business Partner  

    Jack Bradshaw

    Northeast Tarrant Chamber, President & CEO

    CTE Outstanding Partnership Jack Bradshaw 


    Birdville ISD CTE Mission Statement

    Career and Technology Education embraces quality instructional partnerships with business and industry to successfully prepare students to position themselves for the challenges of post-secondary education and to excel with integrity in a globally competitive workplace.


    Job Shadowing

    Student Internships
    Business and Accounting
    N. Richland Hills Branch Located at:
    Birdville Center of Technology  and Advanced Learning 
    Health Science Technology
    Hospitality Services / Travel Academy
    Aviation Maintenance, EMT Program and Accounting


    In-School Training Opportunities for Industry Certifications and Licensures

    Local Academy Network Technician Licensing Program




    Certification Logos