Dr. Appointments should not be made during the workout.
Maintain a positive attitude both in action & speech
Maintain a good work ethic in the gym and outside the gym. Athletes are expected to be role models on campus.
Besuited out and ready to work by 2:15
Have proper workout attire.
Boys: shirt, shorts, no jewelry, and tattoos covered
Girls: leotard, spandex, no jewelry (except ear piercings that do not dangle below the earlobe) and tattoos covered
Leave call phone/electronic devices put away in the locker room.
Attend any break workouts offered.
Drive straight from your home campus to the Shannon Center WITHOUT stopping. Drivers are also expected to not give rides to teammates from campus to gym.
Ride the bus provided if you do not drive yourself.
Follow ALL bus rules and be respectful to the bus driver.
Maintain a passing average in ALL classes.
Uphold the student code of conduct and extracurricular honor code at all times.
Maintain appropriate behavior on ALL social media, this includes (but not limited to) pictures, language used, and content.