    Planning For The Future! What Can I Do?
     Learn how transition planning works at your school.  
    • Be prepared
    • Collect information about your child
    • Set goals for the future with your child
    • Learn about resources
    • Be an active team member
    • You and your child need to attend all meetings 
    You are equal team members.  Stay involved.
    • Periodically review and monitor the transition plan and services with other team members.
    Collect information about your son or daughter.
    • What are your child's strengths, interest and abilities right now?
    • What are your child's goals for the future?
    • What skills and experience does your child need to reach those goals?
    Know your student's interest and abilities.
    Academic Achievement
    • Academic abilities and basic skills
    • Learning strategies
    • Necessary courses for future life goals
    • Classroom/course adjustments
    Work Skills
    • Experiences
    • Career exploration and interest
    Interests and abilities
    • Extra-curricular activities
    • Social interests
    • Hobbies
    • Talents 
     Level of Independence
    • Life Skills
    • Self-advocacy
    • Responsibility