
    Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
    The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) was passed by Congress to provide workers with protection for their jobs and continued healthcare benefits in cases of family or medical emergency. The Act provides eligible employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid job-protected leave each year for one or more reasons:

    See detailed reasons in the .
    Request for Family or Medical Leave (FML) must be made at least 30 days (if possible) prior to the date the requested leave is to begin. Any leave approved will require the use of all applicable sick leave and vacation time. Questions may be addressed to Melissa Austin in Human Resources at (817) 547-5764 or <<email Melissa>>
    Access the online
    Request for Family Medical Leave for Employee:
    Employee's Serious Health Condition - Click Here to Complete Forms
    Request for Family Medical Leave for Family Member of Employee:
    Family Member's Serious Health Condition - Click Here to Complete Forms
    Access the online

    Additional questions regarding Family Medical or Maternity/Adoption Leave? <<email Melissa>>